Flowers are a whimsical, quietly impactful, personal expression of your idea of romance. I strive to nurture your ideas and provide a service that I am so proud of.
I have lived down the same drive since I was born. It’s truly my slice of heaven. Being so involved with woodlands, large gardens and maintaining it all with my family has been a huge part of my life. I appreciate first hand the hard work it takes to work with nature and the elements.
I’m so fortunate to be providing my three children the same childhood as I experienced; building dens in the woods, their own chickens to nurture, frogspawn in buckets and climbing trees. To be honest all those things are still my idea of fun, luckily!
As the business has grown, so has our team. We're so fortunate to have an amazing group of fun loving, passionate and friendly people with us. The hours are long and antisocial in event work, making it so important to call who you're working with your friends too!